view class=' container ' view class=' page-body ' view class=' weui-search-bar { { search focuss } } id='搜索栏' view class=' weui-search-bar _ _ form ' view class=' weui-search-bar _ _ box ' icon class=' weui-icon-search '/icon input type=' text ' class=' weui-search-bar _ _ input ' id=' search input ' placeholder='输入IP ' confirm-type=' search ' bind input=' bindKeyInput ' bind confirm=' search submit ' value=' { { search value } } ' focus=' { { focus } } '/a href=' JavaScript : ' rel=' external no follow ' class=' weui-icon-clear ' id=' search clear ' bind tap=' search clear click '/a/view view class=' weui-search-bar _ _ label ' id=' search text ' bind tap=' search text click ' icon class=' weui-icon-search '/icon view class=' weui-search-bar _ _ label _ span '搜索(8 . 8 .8 .8)/view/view view view class=' weui-search-bar _ _ cancel-BTN ' id=' search cancel ' bind tap=' search cancel click '取消/view/view/view view class=' page-section ' view class=' page-section-title '文本查询结果/text/view view view class=' page-section-space ' scroll-view scroll-y=' true ' class=' IP-scroll ' bindscroll to pper=' upper ' bindscroll to lower=' lower ' bindscroll=' roll ' roll-in-view=' { { to view } } scroll-top=' { { scroll-top } } ' view class=' scroll-view-item ' view class=' view-item-IP ' { r . IP } }/view/view view view view view class=' weui-cell ' view class='大洲/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r . country } }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '国家/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r。省份} }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '省份/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r . city } }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '城市/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r . district } }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '县区/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r . ISP } }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '运营商/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r .区号} }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '行政区划/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r . en } }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '国家英文/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r . cc } }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '国家缩写/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r . LNG } }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '经度/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r . lat } }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '纬度/view/view view class=' weui-cell ' view class=' weui-cell _ _ BD ' text { { r . version } }/text/view view class=' weui-cell _ _ ft '版本/view/view/scroll-view view class=' IP-tip '滚动查看内容/view/view/view/view/view/view搜索。 射流研究…
page({ data : { input value : ' ',focus: false,searchFocusCss: ' ',r: [] },onread : function(){ var那=thiswx。请求({ URL : ' https://www。qqzeng。com/IP ',method: 'POST ',data: { ip: 'qqzengip' },header : { ' content-type ' : ' application/x-www-form-URL encoded ' },success : function(RES){ that。setdata({ r : RES . data。data })},fail:函数搜索提交searchSubmit:函数(){ var=thisvar IP=这个。数据。InputVaLueif(IP){ var isip=ip.match(/^([1-9]\d*|0[0-7]*|0x[\da-f])(?\.([1-9]\d*|0[0-7]*|0x[\da-f])(?\.([1-9]\d*|0[0-7]*|0x[\da-f])(?\.([1-9]\ d * | 0[0-7]* |0x[\ da-f])$/I;if(!ISip){ wx。ShowToast({ title : ' IP格式不正确,image : '/images/tip。png ' });返回false} wx.showToast({ title: '搜索中,图标: '正在加载' });wx。请求({ URL : ' https://www。qqzeng。com/IP ',method: 'POST ',data: { ip: ip },header : { ' content-type ' : ' application/x-www-form-URL encoded ' },success : function(RES){ that。setdata({ r : RES . data。data })},fail : function(){//fail } })} },onShareAppMessage:函数(){返回{ title: 'IP地址查询-qqzeng-ip ',path: '/pages/ip/search ',success: function (res) { //分享成功},fail:函数(res) { //分享失败} } }})search.wxss
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